About Us
AdventureComm Software has been in business since 1997. We originally worked on Worldgroup Modules and other standalone applications. After the slow down in the market of Worldgroup addons we started making standalone games for any platform. We currently have 21 projects open, including games, business applications, and online casino applications. This site is focused toward Chaotic Lands: Ansilons which is a MUD game that we have had in development for a couple years now. After the Text based Mud version of the game is released we will also see about making other Chaotic Lands: Ansilons addons to make sure it becomes the success we would like it to. In the near future we also plan on creating a graphical client for the game, for those that are not use to the ANSI way of things. We currently support Worldgroup, Rodopi, Platypus, and all versions of Ecobuilder for all out games.
Chaotic Lands is a registered trademark of Brad Farrell of AdventureComm Software. Rodopi, Platypus, Worldgroup, and Ecobuilder are registered trademarks of their respected owners as well.